Bioidentical Hormone
Replacement Therapy in Ohio

Hair Loss Genetic Testing for Men and Women

Over the past several years, women have sought out the Happy Hormone Cottage to have their hormones checked and then balanced. Their focus has for the most part has been on balancing estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Part of our strategy is to educate our women on the 3 major hormones of the body: Insulin, cortisol, and thyroid. Up until now, we have been successful with testing cortisol and discussing insulin resistance and control.

Thyroid has always been a challenge. We are limited by using current blood testing of TSH, T3, and T4. Most women have “had” their thyroid checked by blood and have often been told that they are “normal”. Worse than that, women are often diagnosed with hypothyroidism, but are then inadequately treated. Relying on these same tests to determine dose has left most women undertreated and left with not feeling any improvement when taking medication. Symptoms of low thyroid include: cold body temperature, fatigue, hair loss, tendency to gain weight, dry skin, low sex drive, brain fog, and poor sleep. Chronic hypothyroidism disease can lead to heart disease, insulin resistance, arthritis and inflammation, and even Alzheimer’s disease.

Hair loss close up
Female Hair Loss

Results after 6 months

Our Genetic Test for Hair Loss:

  • Analyses 13 genes and 48 genetic variations related to Alopecia
  • Genetic Test based on state-of-the-art DNA microarray technology
  • A patented algorithm provides a personalized treatment solution from 175 million therapeutic alternatives
  • Genetic analysis reproducible of 99.9%

What This Genetic Test for Hair Loss Analyzes

  • Prostaglandins metabolism
  • Inflammation
  • Androgenic effect
  • Vasodilation and blood circulation
  • Collagen synthesis
  • Vitamins and minerals metabolism
  • Insulin-like growth factor metabolism

The Kit Strategy is Threefold:

  • To PROVIDE Actionable Strategies

To Get Started:

  • Cost is $250
  • Involves a simple saliva swab
  • Call our pharmacy at 937-773-1778 option 4 to order.
  • We will call you when your results come back and set up a consultation to go over your results. There is a fee for this consultation.

GX Sciences Genetic Test

$499 — The price of this test does NOT include the consultation to go over the results.

The GX Sciences Foundation / Methylation / Wellness Nutrigenomic Panel consists of 21 SNPs ( Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) that have been chosen by our medical experts to be vitally important to every patient’s overall nutritional health and well-being.

Utilizing our proprietary SNP Genius software, the patient’s genetic findings will be interpreted through the GX Sciences precision supplementation algorithm to determine:

Indicated nutritional weaknesses and precision supplements made for the specific polymorphism
Lifestyle Recommendations and Health Precautions
Appropriate Laboratory Recommendations

This panel will provide insight into the following:

Complete Folate Metabolism (FOLR, DHFR, MTHFD1, MTHFR)
B12 Metabolism (MTRR, GF, TCN1, TCN2)
How well you deliver Vitamin D

Who needs this gene panel?

Anyone who takes nutritional supplements
If you have one of the following: o Mood or Sleep Problems
Issues With Fatigue
Neurological Symptoms
Immune Challenges
Detoxification Weakness

Why should we care about methylation?

Methylation involves the addition of a “methyl” chemical group to a substrate
Used in over 250 biochemical processes in the body
Methylation is utilized in major functions of: o Neurotransmitter production
Cell turnover and repair
Membrane function
Energy (mitochondrial function)

Problems with methylation will affect the cellular delivery, epigenetics, and intra-cellular functionality of almost all cell*

Why Choose The Pro7 Nutrigenomic Report?

Our Pro7 Comprehensive Panel analyzes 7 areas of health hand selected by our experts and provides nutritional recommendations and health information based on scientific validation of a patients specific needs in these key areas:

Methylation | Neurotransmitter Processing | Mitochondrial Function] Detoxification | Neuro-inflammatory Potential | External Inflammatory Potential] health Precautions

The Pro7 Panel is indicated for:

  • Patients who are overall healthy and desire nutritional Patients with no significant family history of disease.
  • Designing an overall health plan, fitness regimen or anti-aging program
  • Children with healthy family Basic problems with intestinal health and

Become a Pro7 “Pro”

It’s now even easier to become a Pro7 “Pro” with the launch of the Pro7 Teachable Training Courses. Intended for providers and partners that would like to gain a deeper understanding of our Pro7 panel. the course includes one complimentary provider Test kit to try on themselves for personalized learning.

By the end of the course providers will gain direct, applicable knowledge of how to:

Identify Key Concepts for restoring Health

Understand the impact of methylation supply in the body.

Understand the basics of immune activation and regulatory genes, and how this informs targeted upstream interventions

Understand the basics of neurotransmitters pathways and identify how this informs targeted interventions

Understand Detoxification Pathway and the impact of health

Understanding important health precautions and necessary interventions.

Quickly and effectively interpret Pro 7 reports

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