Hear What Our
Patients Are Saying!

I Feel Like a Completely Different Person

Thank you for contacting me, Lyn. I feel amazing! It’s only been a few months but I feel like a completely different person. I cannot begin to thank you for all you have done for me. I feel like the Happy Hormone Cottage has given me my life back! It’s so amazing to feel normal for once. 🙂 I tell everyone I know about your facility and hope that they will take a step in the right direction like I did!

God bless,


Reasonably Priced

I did a lot of research calling around the area and was flabbergasted at the inflated prices of some competitors. How dare they charge $400 or $600 for a Dr. visit when this is something we need! They must only work 2 or 3 hours a week to charge such things. Not to mention the cost of their hormones…or pellets. Thank you very much for being so reasonably priced.


Felt a Big Difference

Hi. I definitely feel so much better. It was about 6 weeks after starting treatment that I really felt a big difference and I continue to feel better every day. I still wake up a couple of times during the night but my sleep is definitely more restful and I think once I reach the 3 month mark this will get better. Can’t thank you enough. I feel like me again. Looking forward to my upcoming appointment. Thank you so much.


Adrenal Boost and Calm

My friend who is also diagnosed with Adrenal Fatigue ran out of her regular supplements and switched over to HHCottage Adrenal Boost and Calm. She ordered this week due to my testimony and is excited to see her results.

Sugar Cravings are Gone

Lyn –

I am doing fine. I’ve been seeing Debbie Magnotta and we are tweaking my daily dose of progesterone. I am feeling much better – thanks! My sugar cravings are gone, I’m sleeping well, I’ve even lost a couple of pounds, and my aches are gone. So glad you all were able to help. What a great team you have.



I was still feeling a lot of disruption in my sleep and having insomnia for hours and low quality sleep; I could still feel an ‘upswing’ right before bed that made me feel anxious/at alert. I ordered the Adrenal Calm. I have been taking 1-2 an hour before bedtime and I sometimes wake up, but I am able to downshift at night and when I wake up I am groggy and can go back to sleep. I am starting to feel a corrected bell curve to cortisol/cortisone. I am MUCH better at handling and recovering from stresses throughout my day, and able to let go of worry and laugh and fall asleep at night. THIS IS LIFE CHANGING. My husband and I cried for joy about day 8, realizing that I am going to be “me” again and I can function for our family.


This is very late but Angie was amazing and I felt empowered when I left. Awesome job!


AdrenalCalm at night

I just recently added in the Biest cream in the mornings, and will add Testosterone in a week.
Currently taking 2 AdrenalBoost daytime, Biest in AM, 1-2 AdrenalCalm at night, Progesterone Cream at night.

I Am So Thankful I Saw Your Commercial

Hi Lyn,

Thanks for checking in, and I am doing well. I am taking my treatments daily and exercising on a regular basis. I still have that little weight gain around the middle, however, I am working hard at getting rid of it. My husband and I are biking a lot this summer with our ultimate goal of riding from Springfield to Cincinnati. So far we are up to 40 miles in one day. I tell all of my friends about the Hormone Cottage and thank you and your husband everyday for giving me back my life. It was really tough there for awhile and was beginning to loose all hope. I am so glad I saw your commercial because it has truly changed my life. Thanks again and hoping you are having a good summer.


The Right Journey

Dr. Nelson is so helpful and informative. This is the right journey for me.

Square Testimonial

She Really Cares

Dr. Nelson is always so kind and understanding. I feel that she really cares about me and wants to help me feel better.

Square Testimonial

More Energy and Stamina

Hi Lyn,

I am almost done with my second month and am noticing amazing changes. I have so much more energy and stamina. My sleep is getting better as well. I am struck by how different I feel now, my brain is so much clearer and my moods so much lighter. This is truly lifechanging. I am reading Suzanne’s book and learning a lot. Thanks so much for being there for all of us!


Nothing Short of Amazing!

Yep! That’s why I’m a client of the Happy Hormone Cottage, Lyn!  The work you and your staff do is nothing short of amazing!


Pleasant Experience

Very pleasant experience. Looking forward to feeling better soon! Thank you!


Lost 22 Pounds

Hi Lyn!

I’m doing really well on the creams and supplements. Sleeping great, I’ve even lost 22 pounds! I have a personal training background so exercise and eating healthy have always been important to me. For a while there I felt like I was losing the battle because I was doing everything I could and still couldn’t lose the weight. I have yet to do the cleanse which Jeff recommended. It’s sitting on top of my pantry mocking me as I walk by. ; ) I’m hoping to get a couple days in a row off to begin the cleanse. It’s called Core Restore. Anyway, it sounds really exciting over there! I will definitely keep in touch. We’ve been pretty busy and I was completely slammed over the holidays. I’m now regrouping and focusing on ME for a bit. Take care! Thanks for the email and God Bless!


I was a mess!

This is a note of appreciation for the care I have received from your facility.  I came to your HHC as I was in a bad frame of mind and physically I was a mess.  My doctor had given me every antidepressant under the sun.  I think he had basically given up and labeled me bipolar.  I was depressed, tired, overweight, lethargic and had resigned myself that this was the new me and I had to accept it.

   A friend told me about your Happy Hormone Cottage.  I visited your Mason location and had my step one consultation. I was told that if I followed your suggestions and protocol, that I WOULD get better.  I went through all the testing and the results were shocking.  I had no idea that I had so much going on in my body.  At my nurse practitioner appt with Tammy, I was prescribed the appropriate supplements and medications.  When I left the office that day, I had only a glimmer of hope that all this would work.  I was on 7 different medications, a mood stabilizer as well as anti anxiety medication.  I didn’t know if I was coming or going.

   After one week, I began to feel less tired, less stiff.  Then one month later, I woke up and felt …normal. NORMAL? That word left my vocabulary years ago.  I religiously followed Tammy’s customized strategy based on your cutting edge testing and here I sit, 6 months later—and it sounds like something everyone says, but I sincerely mean this—this treatment saved my life. I was going straight down hill. Doomed to a life that meant popping pills to stay level. Taking one pill to counteract another pill.  What a mess. 

   It is important to know that my physical health problems are also MUCH better with magnesium, vitamin d and an adrenal support. I take the Lipo-B injections and I eat healthier.  I am doing my part because your facility did their part. 

   Lyn, if you ever think that you aren’t doing important work, changing lives and even SAVING lives your so wrong.  People complain about different things.  Prices, hours blah blah…If you are serious about getting better then you have to commit 100%.  I have lost weight, my complexion is clear, I am happy, energized and revived—but the best part is I no longer take any medications that were for mood, anxiety or mood stabilization- I don’t need them!—I would recommend this for any woman who is struggling to figure out what is wrong with them.  I started this program hoping, wishing and praying and after 6 months, my wishes, hopes and prayers have been answered.

With gratitude,
Tracy M.

Tracy M.

Feel Better Than Ever

I feel better than I have ever felt. Major change in quality of life for the better! Thank you.


Everything is Going Great

Everything is going great for me, in fact I have a follow up appointment today with Dr. P. I have lost 34 lbs, mostly in my belly and legs…yeah…sex life improved alot and no foggy thinking or sluggishness. I have only great things to say about my bio identical hormones and only wish I had done this years ago…


Libido is Back

I can honestly say today that I am doing great. My hormones are great & the libido is back (yay!) I attended the Weight Loss thing 2 months ago at the Holten Wellness Clinic & bought the Vanilla Smoothie powder. It’s amazing & I almost need more. I have it in my breakfast smoothie every day. I’ve been working with my OB GYN as well on my weight loss (same time frame) & I’m happy to report I’ve lost 15 pounds. Oh & I have given up wheat (except for the occasional slice of pizza that is). The wheat thing itself is amazing. The bloating & gas I’ve experienced for years now seems to be a thing of the past. Amen! I never thought I could feel this great. My body is starting to resemble the me I recognize. My husband & I are even thinking of having his hormone balances checked. Thanks for doing what you do. You’re amazing.


I Feel Great!

Thank you for seeing how I am doing. I feel great since starting your program I have more energy, sleep better and have an improved mood. I am so happy I found your program


I really learned so much!

Thank you so much for taking the time to give such a comprehensive presentation of our hormones. Never in my time receiving HRT has anyone explained the benefits and job of each of the hormones in such detail and I really learned so much in the hour!


They Could Feel Better Too

Hey Lyn,

Hope all is well with you and yours! I was reading on the newsletter about getting laughed at, we’ll see who has the last laugh! I have been working with you guys at “The Happy Hormone Cottage” for about a year now and all I can say is halleluiah! I feel sooo much better, I’m still learning to read my bio-feedback, but over all everything is so much better. My husband got tested, treated and is getting better. So, our house is very EXCITED! When I started coming there I got a happy hormone cottage bag that I carry everywhere with my books and extra stuff in. I get funny remarks all the time – but that doesn’t slow me down! I tell everyone that gives me the chance about what I’m learning and how I’m feeling. It’s interesting, I’ve had more than a few people ask me again – “Is that really helping you?” They want to know and they see me getting better and they want to get better too! I just turned 50, & my husband had a surprise party for me. I have an alarm set on my phone to use my Progesterone cream at 10:00 pm. In the middle of opening all my gag gifts my phone starts going off! I said – OK hold the party – I gotta go use my hormones! Everybody was laughing and cutting up over it, but in the end, three of my friends were asking me about my treatment and how they could feel better too! So let em laugh, but I think they see me getting better and they want to feel better too. Thanks to you and all of your staff for all you do. Robin I told you I was hyper-sensitive!!! It’s only been 5 days and there is a HUGE improvement already!!! Anxiety, depression and fatigue have improved markedly! Mood swings and hot flashes are virtually gone and last night I slept better than I have in 3 years! If I should have been feeling better in 3 weeks, I may be wearing a superwoman cape by then, lol! Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Uncharted Roads

Hello All! I have been on your hormone therapy for a year and a half and I have seen so many changes that make me happy! I just want to say thanks for all you do! I can’t tell you enough how much the hormone therapy has changed my life. I am so thankful for your help traveling down these somewhat uncharted roads of hormone therapy. I look forward to hearing from you.


Very Helpful

So very helpful and professional. I can’t wait to get going on this program.

Square Testimonial

You Have Saved My Life!!!!

Hi Lyn…..great article! I’m been on bioidentical hormones for over 12 yrs & will never be without them. I previously had a MD that didn’t insist on running a yearly test so, I was overdosed with estrogen by 3 times! No wonder I gained over 70 pounds in 10 years. Yes this MD was the only one I could find in this area that dispensed bioidentical hormones. Well, now, I’m with all your compassionate women especially the ladies at the Piqua Medicine Shoppe, especially Kim. They are always there for me to answer questions & solve a few problems that I had with the creams. I’m happy to report that I have lost 40 pounds & still losing. I’m 63 & feel better now than I did when I was 43. Keep up the good work, you have saved my life!!!!!!!!!


Magic in Balancing

I know first hand from my journey the magic in balancing the hormones, thyroid, adrenals, etc. We are designed to be balanced and well maintained. Some folks do this with their automobiles and homes before they’d ever consider their body vessel! Continue to shine your light Lyn.


Everything Is On the Upswing

I am doing well. I am seeing improvement. My energy level is starting to come up and I actually feel like getting dressed in the morning. I am starting to lose some of the weight over the last few weeks. Right now I have lost 7 pounds. Everything seems to be on the upswing. I can’t wait to see how I feel in 3 months. I will continue to let you know my progress.


I Have My Life Back

Thanks. I have to tell you I know it has only been a few weeks, but I totally feel like I have my life back and if it keeps getting better I can’t imagine what I will be able to do! I am so excited about this. As I said before I have been able to do more in a few weeks than I have in months and I actually have the desire to do things I didn’t have before! I feel like I am coming back to life!



I took Adrenal Boost for 9 days and then began the Progesterone. WOW!! I stopped crashing multiple times per day, I was able to stay awake through dinnertime, and anxiety went down, angry mood swings went down, etc. Within the second week and while starting progesterone, brain fog started to clear, mood swings evened out more, low blood pressure swings and dizziness abated, and I started to be able to think and problem solve throughout my day as a mom.

No More!

Dear Lyn,

I am only 44 years old and decided that I should go and get my hormones checked because I knew I was starting to have symptoms like hot flashes. What I didn’t know was that I had so many other symptoms that were related to hormone imbalances as well. It’s been 3 months now and I sleep better, no more hot flashes, AND no more anxiety and irritability (that I thought was just from being stressed) So happy to discover that a simple test and a few hormones could put me back in to balance in so many ways!!

A happy client

Happy Hormone Cottage is a Special Place

I originally met Lyn by chance in a small retail store that I owned when she came in and recognized me as someone who could benefit from natural hormone replacement. She caught me fluttering around in a hot flash and smiled at me and said, “I have a cream for that!”. That began our journey together and I am proud to say that I have watched her go from her first Happy Hormone Hour to opening a thriving business that I fondly call “The Love Shack”. The nickname is two fold, as I see the love that Lyn shows to every woman that she happens upon no matter where she may be. Lyn is in it with her entire heart. She has dedicated her time to listening to women’s stories and gently helping them make the decisions that are right for them on their individual journey. The Happy Hormone Cottage is a special place that is full of warmth, graciousness and most of all knowledge. Lyn’s dedication to learning the latest on natural hormone balance and the options that women are now afforded is what makes her little “Love Shack” irreplaceable. The Happy Hormone Cottage offers the right direction for YOU, not a one size fits all option. Lyn has been given a gift and she has chosen to share it with us women who are looking for answers to find the road back to who we used to be…stop in and give her a hug. She might just have a cream for you too!!


Elisabeth Rich

My husband also is facing a lot of health challenges. Low energy, poor digestion, high stress.
Could his adrenals also be fatigued? or thyroid function not optimal? How to test for this?
Can he take AdrenalBoost and Calm?
Does HHCottage offer Dutch Testing for men?

Thank you so very much. I only wish I had found you earlier.

I Feel Balanced, Alive

Hi Lyn,

I am so glad I took the time to investigate the Happy Hormone Cottage. I am in my 4th week of treatment and I already feel like myself again. I am still experiencing some symptoms, as expected, but my sleep patterns have returned to normal and my energy level has increased considerably. I accompanied my best friend of 30 years, Tammi Smith, to the Mason location last week for her consultation and kit purchase. Her history is a little different from mine but the song still remains the same. I am looking forward to experiencing the healing process with her. I look forward to seeing you again at my next visit. By the way, Doris is AWESOME! Kindest Regards,


Y’all are Angels

I feel great! I am exercising! Yes, this couch potato has gotten herself off her butt almost every night this past week to do something. I purchased a couple of Leslie Sansone’s walking routine DVDs (Walk Away the Pounds and Five Mile Workout). The routines go for one, two, three, or five miles. I did the one mile for a couple of times, but now I do the two mile at least… And when I get the time, I do two miles twice in a day. I’m working my way up to the three mile, but my body isn’t quite ready for it yet. I can tell my body is craving the exercise, and I WANT to do the exercises. This is a total turn around for me… I never had the energy to exercise before! I feel totally amazing! I am sleeping, I am clear and functioning at peak performance and I feel YOUNGER! Thank you so much, Lyn! I am so HAPPY I found the article about the Happy Hormone Cottage on the DDN web site! Y’all are ANGELS!


Very Impressed!

I just want to let you know how very impressed I am by the way you do business and what you offer at your Happy Hormone Cottage. I left my initial $25 consultation feeling well-informed. I recently visited another facility where my questions were unanswered and I left feeling I had learned nothing about how their patients were treated. I’m so impressed with your staff and your medical facility. Thank you!


Way to Better Health

So glad to be back with Dr. Nelson. I am confident I am on the way to better health and so grateful


Thinking More Clearly

Hi Lyn,

I am doing very well. I have to say that since about the 3rd day of starting with the adrenal supplements and the thyroid and progesterone supplements I have been feeling about 75% better than I have felt in many years. I am thinking more clearly, sleeping all night and I wake up totally refreshed. I didn’t think it would be so easy. Thanks for all your help!



Hi Lyn,

I’m so grateful for your leadership and your willingness to share your knowledge. I am a HUGE fan of the Happy Hormone Cottage and continue referring my friends there as they talk about their pre-, peri-, and/or menopause symptoms.

Well wishes

Among the Living Again

Hi Lynn!

I am doing so, so much better. Sleeping most all night, eating is under control, but most importantly am among the living again. Going out with friends and family after a miserable winter (before the hormone therapy). I have an appointment to see Jeff in mid-May. Thank you for all you and your staff do. I can’t tell you what a dramatic difference this has made in my life. God Bless you all!


Thyroflex Results

I’m so happy to share my Thyroflex experience with you! First, I’ve been using bio-identical hormone replacement therapy through the Happy Hormone Cottage for the last five years with great results. It has truly improved my quality of life! I’ve been able to stop taking anti-depressants and arthritis medication, I can sleep through the night, my hot flashes are gone, and my libido has returned! Although my energy level improved, the stresses of a busy life still left me dragging at the end of the day. I jumped at the opportunity to have my thyroid tested with your new Thyroflex machine. The results determined my thyroid was functioning below optimal level and I was prescribed thyroid medication by your Nurse Practitioner. Within 30 days I noticed improvement in my energy and mood. After 60 days I feel like a new person. My outlook is even more positive, I have enough energy to last through the day and evening, I’ve lost weight , and my nails are stronger! Thank you so much for all you do for women’s health – keep up the good work!


Had a Great Visit


I wanted to let you know that my aunt and I had our yearly visit to the Mason HHC on Monday. We met with Tammy Blevins and we both absolutely LOVED her!!!! She is warm, down-to-earth, and hilarious. And, she has a great way of talking with us about our symptoms, explaining which hormone is probably causing each symptom and how to tweak the BHRT to address the issue. I’ve been doing BHRT for around 18 years and I’ve never had a practitioner talk about both the BHRT and my thyroid meds the way Tammy did. I’m impressed and I hope she stays with HHC forever. Wow!

Wishing you, Jeff, and Holly a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy, Healthy, and Successful New Year!

With love,

Lisa 🙂


All My New Energy

Hi Lyn,

One of the office girls called and left me a message about my progress on the hormone therapy. I’ve been meaning to email you for some time now but with all my new energy, I’ve been a busy girl! I seriously feel like a new person since being on the hormone therapy, taking my regiment of vitamins and eating completely gluten free. What an unbelievable change and difference it has made in my life. My family is thrilled to see me happy and healthy again! Before I got tested, I was sleeping 2-3 hours a night, I couldn’t think or focus on anything, I couldn’t remember simple things (very scary), I was taking numerous naps a day and simply had no energy to function. My stomach seemed to always be a mess and I was gaining weight without eating more food. I was in a depression but continued to tell myself that I was still grieving the loss of both of my parents within a two month time frame. All in all, I was a complete mess. After starting the therapy, it took a good 4 weeks to see the dramatic change (just like you told me) – but I continue to feel better everyday. My energy level is amazing, I’ve lost weight (really without trying), I can think, remember and function mentally again, and I just overall feel great. I tell my husband all the time how I can’t even begin to imagine where I’d be today if I hadn’t gotten tested and started on the hormone therapy. I truly feel like I’ve been given my life back! Much thanks to you and Jeff for what you are doing! Your passion and commitment is changing lives – I’m proof of it!! God bless you both!!


Thank you from Lisa

Hi Lyn,

My name is Lisa, and I am a Happy Hormone cottage patient. I have only been taking my hormones and supplements for a week, but I can already tell a difference! Thank you for being an advocate for women and for filling a void that was needed by so many.

Thank you again.


Calm and Balance


As I have stated to others before the “education” that you give is invaluable as most aren’t even aware. That was one of the most astonishing things to me is the fact that most believe that these changes and conditions are something that they must “deal” with and don’t even know about therapy options. I was one of those people. I knew I was in some type of pre menopausal with some type of hormone issues going on and found myself in a downward spiral. I tried to manage things on my own until one day in the worst of the worst my partner said ” maybe you should look at going to happy hormone cottage”. I said What? the rest was history. You became a beacon of hope and education to understand, evaluate, and balance the body in a way I did not understand to be possible.
I am so thankful that you and your husband not only tackled to understand your own journey but also shared your experience so others may benefit from where you have been and the balance you have worked to achieve in your own bodies.
You make a difference in so many lives. Not only on the initial consultation, but also like today when the doubt and questions come, through gentle explanation and contact give back hope and understanding.

I am excited for this journey and so grateful for the future in health, wellness and balance hormone therapy offers. I am a believer and have told others as I know this is a much needed service that others need. It is a journey that truly connect one to their own bodies and the natural transormations.


You Have Literally Changed My Life!

Dear Lyn,

I’m much too late in writing this to you, although I have expressed my appreciation to both your husband, Jeff, and to the incomparable Kimi. I have now been on your program for a year and you have literally changed my life. We have done a lot of tweaking — from supplements to one more click to compounding my Armour. All along the way Jeff and Kimi have been there for me and never gave up. Others have given up on me but they won’t.

I wish for other women the transformative feelings that have brought me back to my husband and our marriage. I’m lucky that I have a husband “that waited” for me to come back to him. I had been “gone” for a long time thanks to the masking of antidepressants and the not-so-fulfilling pellet therapy. I’m happy every morning. I sing and dance doing minimal chores. Life is different — thanks to the incredible team of Jeff and Kimi.

I owe you so much but all I can give you is my admiration and loyalty for as long as you will keep me as a client. I do spread the word here in Texas where pellets are spreading like wild fire. If I could have only one wish is that you could ship to me directly here in Texas!!

Someday soon when we are showing horses in Lexington, I will make the trip to the Piqua pharmacy and give Jeff and Kimi very tearful hugs of appreciation and joy!!! In fact, I have had tears just writing this email but they are tears of happiness!!!

God bless you all and I wish you the greatest success in spreading your message of transforming lives!!

A grateful client from Texas

I Feel Alive

I’m starting to feel alive again! Love it! Thank you for all you do for women!


Thank You!

I really appreciate the care I received. Thank you!!


I Feel Great

First off, let me say I feel GREAT these days… so much better than I was before – my entire reason for coming to the Happy Hormone Cottage in the first place. I am not irritable like I was before and am so much more able to control my anger and other feelings. My emotions and (hormonal?) reactions had been on a roller coaster for not quite a year before I came to you… I was unable to deal with my stress or my emotions. I feel so much better and happier NOW! More like my ‘real’ self J Additionally, my sex drive has returned – which both my husband and I appreciate! Thank you for all your help and I look forward to hearing from you soon,


Difference is Astounding

Hi Lyn,

I must tell you, I have only been getting therapy for 6 months and the difference is astounding! I could tell within the first few weeks a difference and it has only become better. I have fibromyalgia and for the past 3 years had not had energy enough or felt good enough to go to the gym, which is telling if you knew me. In fact last year I had to quit my job due to it’s physicality and the fact I hurt so much, mostly because of stress, my opinion. I didn’t sleep much more than 3 hours a night, the depression was off the charts, and belly fat, which I have never had before, left me entirely upset. I had all the symptoms, anxiety, fatigue, brain fog, ect., in fact I actually was approved for s.s. disability at only 56 years of age. I am now back at the gym, have lost the 10 pounds I gained, am sleeping well most nights, stress is reduced, no more brain fog, reduced pain and I feel I should look for another job! I tell friends all the time how they should be tested, that it could only help them. So in my humble way am trying to get the word out their 🙂

I just felt the need to share how well I am doing and to thank you and everyone involved in this amazing journey. I have been given my life back, truly.


It’s Because of Happy Hormone Cottage

I have been working 56 hours a week on a assembly line , and I know the only reason I can get up and do it over and over again is because of the happy hormone cottage !!! Thanks!


Doing Very Well

I called a patient for a follow up today…She said she is doing very well, “Thank you” she said. Hormones have changed her life…she would go without food before she would give up her hormones!


Low Energy Gone

I just want to let you know that prior to coming to see you in November, I had been on a long leave of absence from work due to extreme low energy and constant fatigue. I want to thank you very much for my marked improvement in my sleeping better, (better than I have in a year and a half) and for giving me my energy back. I am now exercising, stretching, doing yoga and I have enough energy to get through the day. I’m beginning to feel like myself again! I can tell positive things are happening inside my body. I just want you to know I’m grateful!


Feel Like My Old Self


I am doing great! I can’t believe the amazing change that my progesterone has made in my life. it has given me my life back! I’m really starting to feel like my old self again! I am happier, calmer and more relaxed. my anxiety is all but gone and I haven’t had a panic attack since before I started taking the cream. I even managed to get on a few carnival rides with my kids. I haven’t been able to do that in 8 years. no more trips to the emergency room for panic attacks. no more pills that didn’t work from the doctor for anxiety, depression, ADHD, bi-polar, PTSD and all the other things that I was mis-diagnosed with. I do have severe PMDD which caused too many problems to list here and it caused me to be suicidal and wish I was dead almost every day of my life but NO MORE!!! I am happy to be alive now! I can’t wait to wake up in the morning and see what new exciting things the day brings! my house and car are spotless when they used to be a disgusting pig stye. I have so much more energy and I’ve already lost 31 pounds and I haven’t even started exercising yet! My fiance, family and all my friends can not stop talking about what a huge difference the progesterone has made. I am even starting to get my sex drive back and it has only been 5 months. it started to come back after about 2 months but it comes and goes, some days it’s there and some days it isn’t lol but it hasn’t been 8 months yet so I’m not worried. The Happy Hormone Cottage has litteraly saved my life. Everyone at the cottage and The Piqua Medicine Shoppe have been so amazing and I especialy love Doris, I wish she was my sister lol. thank you all for saving my life. good day and God bless.


Wonderful and Supportive

Just want to let you know that I am so thrilled with the positive change in my health since I began my hormone therapy. I don’t know who tells more people about my positive results, me or my husband!! I have my three month “check up” with Jeff coming up, and am very much looking forward to meeting him. You and your staff have been so wonderful and supportive and have made the process so simple. Again, thank you for changing my life!!


Best Choice I Ever Made

Hi Lyn,
I always enjoy reading your news letter.  I’m still using the hormone replacement creams.  I contribute a lot of how I feel to you and Jeff.  The best choice I ever made was setting up an appointment with the Hormone Cottage. I feel great and I can still keep up with the grandkids lol.


I Would be Thrilled

Hi Lyn,

I found your Happy Hormone Cottage over a year ago, which was a true blessing after suffering from many symptoms for years and doctors thinking I was nuts. When I came to you, you validated everything I had been feeling and after the consultation I felt free, like finally someone gets me and can help put me back together. I was 34 when I found you, but I had been suffering since I was about 28.
My reason for emailing you is two fold. First I want to thank you for helping me find myself again, to be able to do the things I need to for my family and live a happy life. Secondly I want to know how I can help others like myself. I was not the “normal” pre-menopausal or menopausal woman when I started to have issues, and I can’t imagine how many other young women are out there needlessly suffering that don’t have to. What you do for women is awesome and I would love to get involved in anyway I can. This has become a passion of mine- hormones and health- and I want to educate everyone I know. My mom finally got tested and started on bio-identicals and the transformation in just a few months is amazing.
Do you have any suggestions on how I can get involved, besides spreading the word about the Happy Hormone Cottage (I do that each chance I get, and have referred several women)? I would be thrilled to help women find hope and happiness again! Any insight you might have would be awesome!
Thanks for all you and Jeff do!


My Life Has Been Changed!

My life has been changed by the HHC treatment I am receiving. I feel better than I have in two years. Ive sent a couple friends in! I’m doing well and saving for my retesting this summer.


Gives Me Hope!

Angela is excellent and gives me hope for an even better quality of life, sleep, and overall well-being.”


Very Professional and Kind

Very professional and kind staff and there are not enough smiley faces on here to rate Kathy.????? Thanks so much.



Thanks for the detailed consultation!


Really Helped Me to Sleep

Dear Lyn,

In January I started taking progesterone capsules at night and that has really helped me to sleep. I am starting to feel better or should I say almost normal. Whatever normal is? I still have times of being tired or burn out. I am not so sure this has to do with hormones or I should start thinking of a career change. Career change…at my age. Hmmm… Thanks for keeping in touch. I truly don’t know where I would be today if it wasn’t for that simple call I made to your office. Probably curled up in a fetal position in my bed or taking frequent trips to the metal health office. However, I am not crazy (well maybe a little from time to time) all I needed was hormone therapy. So bah bah bah to all those doctors that thought I was a hypochondriac, or needed Mental Health, antidepressants, or my favorite “why don’t you go to the health food store and buy a something for that.” HELLO! You’re supposed to be helping me. (sorry sarcasm runs in the family) I know I wasn’t crazy and I needed to feel like myself again. If not for myself, then for my family. Let me tell you I wasn’t an easy person to live with. Crying one minute and wanting to scream then next. That is why I kept searching. So I truly thank you for all you and your husband have done for me. I am normal! Well that may still in questionable. LOL Lyn may you have the strength to find and help more women like me.


So Informative

Lyn’s book is so informative and validating! I’m giving several as gifts to my friends! Thank you for writing it!


Feeling So Much Better

Hi Lyn!

Just a little note to let you know that I am feeling so much better! I’m not so “mad at the world” anymore, people tell me that I look rested and I have lost 5 pounds since Christmas! I can really tell the difference in the way I feel and I’m not as stressed! It has been about 6 weeks and I can’t wait to see how I will feel when I hit that “3 month” mark! Thank you and everyone else that are helping to make me well!


I Was Losing My Mind


I am so happy that you and Jeff came into my life… I thought I was loosing my mind because I knew something was not right and I felt just lost. When I found Deb Magnotta in the back of a magazine ad, I was on to something… [My previous doctor] told me to stop watching Oprah… to trust the FDA and stop putting stuff in my body that was not approved. Oh and the kicker was to not use soap in the shower because I was complaining about vaginal dryness too much and she said the soap was doing it. I was horrified… Thank you for all you do. Your passion is saving lives in so many ways.


Highly Recommend

Love this practice. They are so easy to work with, always return calls, flexible schedule, organized and efficient. I highly recommend this office.


Linda’s Journey Video Testimonial



“The Mason Happy Hormone Cottage and Centerville Happy Hormone Cottage have helped me to take the best care of my body via hormone treatment with Tammy Blevins in Mason, and genetic testing with Dr. Jeff in Centerville. As a woman, there’s never a wrong time to get the details on your hormones. My quality of life has DRASTICALLY improved since I began to seek treatment from the Happy Hormone Cottage. Seriously! Absolutely.

Dr. Jeff helped me to finally find the biological WHY behind my own mental health illnesses. I took a genetic test that was designed to help mental health patients, and it was absolutely mind-blowing. I had my body’s blueprint! It was like an instruction manual specific to me and only me.  Dr. Jeff helped me to find the right combination of supplements, vitamins, and bio-identical hormones that would give my body the best chance to run as smoothly as possible. Lyn Hogrefe is a life-long educator with the Happy Hormone Cottage, and she has a passion for women’s health. She empowers women with the knowledge to not just survive, but thrive! 

💗 H.H.C.!  ~Lisa”

Very Professional, Very Thorough

I got lost on the way to my appointment. I got great directions as well as empathy for my situation. All the ladies were very professional and Angela was very thorough with her explanations.


I just wanted to take a few minutes


Hello. I just wanted to take a few minutes to share a success with you. When I had a partial hysterectomy over 5 years ago, I gained about 20 pounds. Looking back, between the stress, hormones, surgery, and recovery from having a grapefruit sized fibroid removed, it is easy to see how it happened. I made several valiant, but unsuccessful tries to lose the weight. I started adrenal support, estrogen and progesterone in December. Once my enery improved, I start exercising. Then, I really felt like my body was ready to cooperate, so I started weight watchers online. I have lost 13 pounds!! I feel great! Being an event planner and on my feet a lot, I notice a huge difference at work with the weight loss. I just know that I would not have been able to do this without the bio-identical hormone replacement. Please feel free to share this story. Thanks and take care!


I was Skeptical

I want to write to you to tell you what a difference the Cottage has made in my life. I’ve been on my “treatment” for two months now and I met with Jeff two weeks ago to discuss how things were going. I went to the appointment thinking I would just be telling him what everyone tells him – that I felt better pretty much overnight. I told him I knew there were seven changes that were made at one time and I’ll never be sure which made the difference or if it was the combination. I also told him that feeling better in only a day or two may have been in my head but I don’t think so. If it was, that’s ok, too, because I feel so much better! Jeff was genuinely thrilled to hear my results. He listened. He answered my questions and added any information he could to better inform me. We didn’t change a thing about what I was doing because it was working so well. When I first talked with you about this treatment, you told me it usually takes a woman three months to get better but I should plan on it taking six months to get balanced because of my issues. I cannot wait to see how incredible I will feel after six months! I want women to know that I was skeptical before I came to the Cottage about what it could do for me. There are so many false claims these days, “modern day snake oils”, trying to lure us in to take our money and we do need to be wary but the Cottage is not one of them. The things you are doing WORK! When I came to the Cottage, I had done a lot of reading and researching BHRT and the growth of the Cottage. I was at the point where something had to change, the research I had done was promising, and I had some flex plan money that had to be spent before the end of the year. I think of this as “providence”. Now, I can’t stop telling everyone, co-workers, friends, relatives, sometimes even new acquaintances. I’ve been taking Synthroid for a thyroid problem for about five years. In that time, I’ve gained about ten pounds a year no matter what diet and exercise program I tried to do. I was tired all the time, had aches and pains in my knees, feet and ankles. It was becoming more and more of an effort to get through the day. My thinking was disorganized. I was under a lot of stress and felt I could cry at any minute. I was bloated and had horrible stomach aches almost every day to the point I didn’t want to eat lunch because I would have to suffer again. I was dragging myself through life and thought, “well, that’s just how it is when you get old”. Now, I have energy and enthusiasm for life. The stress is still there, but I am much better equipped to cope with it. The stomach aches and bloating are completely gone! I’m able to walk all day long without the knee, feet and ankle pain. I’ve only lost one pound but I’ve stopped gaining! My husband told me it’s like I’m a different person. I feel happy again. You guys at the Cottage told me I have an allergy to gluten so stop eating that. You said dairy products might be part of the problem. You asked me if the doctors had ever told me I might have Hashimoto’s disease. My answer was that although I have been diagnosed with thyroid problems, they’ve never said Hashimoto’s. You tested for T3 and not just T4 for thyroid issues.

Inthe past five years, no one else ever tested my T3 even though there’s plenty of information on the internet about this part of the thyroid problem. Sure enough, your test showed my T3 being very low. You told me I needed Progesterone cream, adrenal stress formula, vitamin D, and selenium. I requested a change from the Synthroid to the natural thyroid treatment. I trusted you and still do. This treatment has made a huge difference in my life. I could go on and on but I think you get the picture. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I’ll write again in a couple of months with even more good news, I’m sure.


I Feel So Much Better


I am doing great. I feel so much better, I sleep better and have more energy. I’m so happy I am a “Happy Hormone Hottie” 🙂

Thanks for all the information.




I had a follow up visit to Dr. Bach last Friday, July 13, at that time he drew blood to do a complete checkup of my hormones and other issues. I haven’t heard back from him about the results yet. We discussed that I had five complaints at my first visit . Four of the five are already much improved: insomnia, fatigue,achy joints, hot flashes, and low libido. The fifth one is the only one where I cannot yet see improvement so it is encouraging to hear that it can take quite a bit longer. Overall, I am amazed how quickly my symptoms have subsided and sorry more people don’t know about these wonderful products. Thanks for all you are doing.


She is the Bomb!

Just now read your fall newsletter and before I forget I wanted to thank you and your team for helping me this past couple of years! Recently visited the Vandalia office since it’s closer to my home. Cathy made me feel so welcomed and as if she had all the time in the world to listen to me. And that Kimi….she truly embodies what customer service should be! She is the bomb!


Well Taken Care of

It all applies! I felt like I was well taken care of!


Warm and Kind

“Im excited to get going – so I feel better!! Angie was warm and kind and I felt very comfortable !!! Thank you!”


Linda N.

CFS/ME and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis for decades, and I am currently working with Jeff Hogrefe who has extensively studied functional medicine. We have managed to get my thyroid and adrenal glands functioning again. Tests for ferritin (iron) showed nearly anemic. 3 months later, and I call it Success!


everybody was great! very helpful and accommodating!

From Survey

I AM Heard and NOT Dismissed

I had been researching natural compounded hormone therapy for some time, but wasn’t aware of anyone in the area I could go to for help. I had finally reached the point where I was experiencing hormonal changes that were significantly affecting the quality of my life. My doctor would just brush me off and say, “That’s normal”. Well I didn’t like the new normal! But what was I to do? The doctor knows best, right? Somehow, I knew there was help out there and I was determined to find it. Then I met Lyn! Can I just say “Praise God” on this web-site? That’s how I feel! Lyn answered all my questions, helped me understand more about what was going on, and walked me thru the process of checking my hormones. I found a doctor who understood what I was going thru and she prescribed the correct natural compounded hormone therapy for me. I was also experiencing significant stress and was given some coaching and recommendations of natural supplements. I have been on my regimen for 3 months now and have noticed a measureable difference. The best part is that I am heard and not dismissed as someone who doesn’t know what is going on with her own body! Lyn will fight for my health with me, and I couldn’t be more thrilled!


I Wouldn’t Know Where to Turn

I’m always so happy to read your updates. I’m being honest with you, if it wasn’t for the Hormone Cottage I wouldn’t know where to turn. I use the hormone creams daily. I also took some of the supplements for two years as directed. Some of them I no longer take because I was advised by you on the specific length of time I should take them. I followed that time line and honest to goodness I feel great. I’m not tired and I have my energy back.
Our health care system is useless. I’m really scared about the direction our health care system is headed and our country. Lyn and Jeff I go to sleep feeling better just knowing that there are dedicated, sincere, and caring people like you who really want to help people. I know I have said it before you but without you I would probably end up in a nursing home just like my mom did. I’m behind you guys all the way. I wanted to pass this information on to you and Jeff because I want you and Jeff to know that we need people like you who care. Please feel free to pass this information on to the new Dr. that has just signed on. I will continue to keep letting people know about the Hormone Cottage.
God Bless both of you


Ladies, there is HELP and HOPE

I was reading the newspaper and saw an article about the Happy Hormone Cottage. It sure got my attention and I LOVE THE NAME!!!!!!!!. I am a two year Breast Cancer survivor. My Cancer was caused by too much estrogen. At the age of 35 I had ahysterectomy, then was put on a hormone patch (I am now 53). After two surgeries and 35 radiation treatments, I went into full blown menopause. I thought the world had ended. I was a different woman and not in a good way.My husband thought I had lost my mind and so did I. My actions were not very lady like, but I didn’t care. One of my friends told me about Dr. Cathy Nelson at Life Stages for Women, so I went there (I think my husband evenmade the appt.). She tested my blood and then sent my results to the Piqua Medicine Shoppe where I was to meet themost wonderful lady of all – Sandy. My first and only question to her was, “Can you fix me?” She said, “YES”! That was one year ago, and I am doing so much better (my husband thinks so too!). Ladies, there is HELP and HOPE. Husbands, stand by your spouse. I thank God for my husband all the time (when we took our wedding vows I don’t think menopause was in there, ha). God Bless your work.


I Feel Fantastic

Hi Lyn,

Sorry for being out of touch. I have put myself on an extremely busy “workout” schedule that includes ballroom dance classes 3-4 days a week, Gyro kinesis once a week, and Curves 3 times week. I’m having fun and feeling great! I love the protein shake recipe Jeff taught me. I use the Adrenal Power every day. So to make it short and sweet, I feel fantastic! Oh…I have lost 50 lbs. as of today. Whoo Hoo!

Doris C.

My Husband Says Thanks!

I’m tearful from the lack of sleep anyway but I just want to say how thankful I am for you. In all our conversations today I forgot to tell you that my husband wants to send his personal thanks to you as well. Even with sleep disturbances I’m a better wife!  Thank you.


April’s Story


Great to Be Around

“Angie and Angela are so helpful, understanding and just great to be around when I’m there. They are encouraging and caring!”

Online Customer Feedback

Kelly Brown’s Video Testimonial


Very Happy with my Care

I have been very happy with the help and care I have received at the Happy Hormone Cottage and have referred several friends!


Staff was friendly

Staff was friendly.

From Survey

Great Place

Great Place to go!

Square Testimonial

I Can’t Be Happier

Hello Lyn and Ladies (Judy, Peggy & Anita),

I want to take a few moments to thank all of you for helping me get in to see Jeff. I appreciate your teamwork in making it happen. You are all GREAT! I am very pleased that Jeff knew what was causing my outbreaks – testosterone level – and he will take care of making the change beginning with my next monthly refill which he will address tomorrow. As I mentioned earlier, it was time for me to have my prescription refilled (actually a bit late because I’d stopped taking it daily due to the facial outbreaks). I can’t be happier knowing how well you take care of your patients. I will be sure to let others know how positive my experiences have been at The Happy Hormone Cottage and how well you all work together for your patients. Thanks again to all of you.


More Energy

Hi Lyn,

I feel soooo much better! I can’t believe it. I have a lot more energy, my skin looks better, and my hot flashes have improved so much!! I can’t wait to see how I am in another 3 months!!
Thanks for checking in – I appreciate it.


Life Changing Experience

Hi there.

I am way past due in writing this testimonial but I can’t even begin to describe what a life-changing experience the Happy Hormone Cottage has awarded me.

I have suffered from extremely debilitating migraines for over 20 years and have been on every kind of medication possible to try to alleviate them with little or no success. I have also been on a daily regimen of preventative medication for those 20+ years for the migraines. I had a hysterectomy 7 yrs ago with hopes that it would “cure” my migraines. No such luck! My migraines were so severe and often (4-5 per week at times) that I was missing work and missing out on life with my family and children as well. I also had achy joints, weight gain, horrible insomnia and the list goes on and on. Libido was practically non-existent!

Fast forward! I happened upon a Happy Hormone Cottage billboard while on a road trip to my son’s baseball game and immediately did a search on my phone. This was the place for me! I couldn’t have been more right.

I have been on my therapy for approximately 1 1/2 years now and when I say it has changed my life, that is truly an understatement. My migraines went from the 4-5 a week to maybe 4-5 severe migraines that first year! I am no longer on that preventative medication that I have been on for over 20 years. I couldn’t even fathom that and if that was the only benefit I received that would have been worth its weight in gold. However, there’s more! I no longer have achy joints so I can exercise more, therefore leading to weight loss (I’m down 23 pounds now). I’m actually getting more than 3-4 hours of sleep now each night because there is no more insomnia. The libido is through the roof! Another outcome that I never expected is the difference in my breasts. Several years ago I had a mass the size of an egg removed, it came back negative, but my breasts have always been extremely fibrocystic. So much so that immediately following every single mammogram I have, I will receive a phone call saying that they saw something that needs a closer look and please come back in first thing in the morning. The amazing thing is after being on my therapy for just 6 months, I had my yearly mammogram. It was the first one that I did not receive a call back! I believe that my breasts are no longer that fibrocystic because I am not so “estrogen dominant” now. Another bonus!

Now comes the “fun part”. Women that have known me for years begin asking me what on earth I was doing because I had such a different look about me- a “glow” if you will. Also many of them suffered from migraines, etc as well. Of course I referred them to you guys. Then other women in the community begin calling me because “word of mouth” was out! I know of at least 6 women that are now patients because of my story…I know this because those 6 ladies are in my couples group at church! (The husbands can’t thank me enough either!).

I could go on and on about the benefits that I have experienced and every month continues to get better for me. Angela and Angie are absolutely a joy to visit with and none of us even mind driving the 3 hours to see them. I am SO thankful that I happened upon that Happy Hormone Cottage billboard over 1 1/2 years ago because that moment truly changed my life. Thank you for all that you do.


I am starting to notice some improvement

One other area I am noticing a difference is in digestion; I was so slow in digesting food beforehand that I noticed it took almost 48 hours to process my dinner. My appetite was so low during the daytime and I felt full and uncomfortable when I ate. I am starting to notice some improvement in this area, also.

Pharmacy Staff is Amazing

I have to tell you that your pharmacy staff is amazing and wonderful! They are so helpful and kind and I so appreciate them!


I Cannot Believe the Difference

I am doing my best to follow the instruction of hormone application and vitamin supplements. Just dying to let someone know that I cannot believe the difference in such a short period of time. It has been just under 3 weeks and I have not had to fight depressing thoughts, little or no night-sweats, and for the first time in a long time, I feel in control again. I think my hair even looks better! (or maybe it is just my outlook in general) I also have had no migraines or headaches at all. I am having some fatigue though. Still early, right? Regardless, things are looking up for me. And I have been to doctors in the last 2 years for my symptoms. They have tried to treat me with antidepressants, migraine medications, and even had one mention an anti-seizure medication for the migraines. I know it is early in my treatment, but I feel great. Thanks so much!


I Couldn’t be Happier

Hi Lyn,

Things are going great and I couldn’t be happier! I am losing weight and sleeping better. It is amazing how much easier a day is when you feel good. Thank you for your continued dedication to helping women!


It’s Worth It


My insurance doesn’t cover my compounded BHRT’s but I’ll continue to pay out of my pocket as long as I can because its worth it for me to feel my best.

I was prescribed three different synthetic oral estrogens and progestin within a period of one year. They made me so sick with side effects such as bleeding (at 52 years old), irritability, and anxiety. Because of the side effects, I went back and forth to the doctor and had to take sick days off work until I was so fed up, I stopped trying to feel better. The only thing I learned is synthetic hormones are just bad. My body certainly didn’t like them at all…

Then I started my own research and found The Happy Hormone Cottage and thank God I did. I feel better than I have in a very long time thanks to HHC.

Thank you


Generous Spirit

Hi Lyn,

thanks so much for all the helpful information! I went to the health food store and got all the things that you recommended. Hopefully the testosterone will be out of my system soon.

Thank you for your generous spirit and willingness to help others who are in this predicament. I will go on your site and check out the deeper greens.

Thanks again for everything!!


Very Compassionate

Hi Lyn!

I had a great conversation today with Kelly, who is a very compassionate, empathetic person. I’m very impressed that she took the time to spend so much time talking with me regarding my sister. Thank you for your time and we look forward to working with you.


So Impressed

I just wanted to tell you that I stopped in Monday and came in today for a consultation and was so impressed with your staff! Both of them were welcoming, knowledgeable and represented your services In such a professional and personal way. I’m not sure if you remember me. I remember speaking to you six years ago and it’s so exciting to see how God has blessed you and Jeff in your desire to see health and wellness for women.


I Feel So Fortunate

I am improving each day. I have been reading a great deal about bio identical hormone replacement and have subscribed to Life Extension. I am very intrigued and surprised by what I am learning. I had no idea how enormous this is and how pharmaceutical companies do not want the public to know about this. I feel so fortunate to find out there is an alternative out there and I do not have to feel horrible or age beyond my years. I am beginning to feel more vibrant each day. I want to expand my knowledge more and more and begin to help other women know they do not have to feel tired, depressed, overweight, and helpless because believe me you have shown me that we do not have to accept this as a normal way of life! As you know; I have been an RN for years and have dealt with the medical aspects of pharmaceutical companies and physicians who will not listen to symptoms or alternative treatments.

This is very refreshing!


Thank You

Hi Lyn, I got an email today from Tammy asking how I was doing. Well, I can’t believe how much better I am!!! Hot flashes – GONE Night sweats – GONE Sleep pattern – WOW my husband can’t sleep because I’m snoring so much and, through the night! Mood swings – GONE (except for the good ones) Energy level – Improving (I work a lot of stressful hours) I have been singing your praises! And I would like to see if we can get you to come in for a talk on the benefits of BIHRT? Also, I gave your name and contact info to a girl this past weekend that was working here in Centerville. She needs you Lyn (hot flashes, moody, miserable) so I’m hoping she calls you very soon. I do have a couple of questions: 1. The supplements (ADRENAL STRESS, ETC.) I am taking 2 of each in the morning but I can’t seem to get the dose in the afternoon (crazy schedule) so I have been taking only one of each when I get home from work around 7:30pm. (3 x a day of each supplement) Is this ok? 2. What can I do for my weight, I have gained about 40lbs. in the last 6 years and my schedule is so crazy I can’t seem to get more than a hike or bike ride in a few times a week? I am used to being a real hard body and I hate how I look now! I guess you can tell I’m feeling better and I would really like to help you spread the word. I was very disappointed in my doctor’s advice for the past 6 years (he recommended porn!!!) and, his reaction to this treatment (he couldn’t have been more WRONG) so I would like to know how I can help you get more doctors on board with this sort of treatment for women. THANK YOU!!!!!

PS… My husband and co-workers thank you too!


I Have the Right Tools

I’m excited to tell you some of the things that have been happening. I’m sleeping through the night for the first time in years. I’ve always woke up at 3:00 a.m. every morning. For the last week I have been sleeping right through the night. What a great feeling to wake up refreshed. I also have been noticing an increase in my energy. I was at the point of complete exhaustion. I can feel myself slowly gaining strength. I have also noticed some of my anxiety easing up. Anxiety will be the tough one for me. My whole life has been filled with anxiety but at least now I know that I can work on the problem without drugs. That is a big plus for me because I don’t like to take drugs. The week after Thanksgiving I started working six days a week, ten hours a day. I hate to think of how hard, if not impossible it would have been for me to do this, if I hadn’t found out about the Happy Hormone Cottage. I have a long way to go but I have the right tools to help me. I remember when I was little one of the things they taught us in school was, The Building Blocks of Life. I can’t think of a better way to describe The Happy Hormone Cottage. To me this is the perfect description. It’s going to be a daily routine but what a routine. This stuff really works. I’m beginning to feel the difference and it’s great! It took me a long time to get this pooped! It’s going to take a while to get healthy but I’m willing to stick with the program. Thanks again for checking back with me.


I received my BHRT Progesterone

I am shocked at the amazing differences I felt within just the first 7-14 days on AdrenalBoost. I received my BHRT Progesterone, Biest, and Testosterone in the mail at the same time, but separated the start dates on each so that I could tell what effect each one was having.

I just wanted to say thank you

Hi Lyn. I just wanted to say thank you. I have been using my hormone therapy for 3 months. I feel so much better. Although not all of my symptoms are gone yet, you said it would take time. They are working. So thank you. You are a god-send and an answer to prayer.


So Thankful

We are so thankful for all of you! Happy New Year!

From Survey

My Skin is Prettier

I am on what I believe is my 3rd full week with the therapy and feel wonderful! I am sleeping better, my skin is prettier, and even though our sex life was great before, my husband says he notices a difference (ie, better! :). All in all, I am very happy! I keep wondering when those couple of rough days are going to come because I haven’t seen them so far!!! I am actually off work today and plan to come to the coffee hour!!! Woo-hoo!!


He Has His Wife Back

You asked me how I feel after having my blood test work completed, and following the “suggested” natural hormone replacements and the “other” supplements that was discovered that I was in need of.
After following the program and making the changes I can tell you my husband is very happy. Said that he feels he has his wife back. Prior to this for the last two years I would have preferred to just have chocolate and go to bed vs having any energy or desire to have a relationship with my husband. The change has done wonders for our relationship and I have more energy and sleep much better than I have in years. I cannot say enough about the program and the changes I made.


How much better

I just wanted to let you know how much better I have been feeling since starting the hormone replacement therapy. I cannot believe the difference in my mood and attitude. Before I began the therapy, I felt angry, mean and just not myself at all. Since I have started this, I feel I can laugh and be more of myself. In addition to the hormone replacement, this year I plan to take more time for myself and begin eating better as well. Thanks so much for your help.


Can Hardly Wait

Hello Lyn,
I just want to let you know that I am so ready to Get Tested! Get Treated! and Get Better! I met with Angela last Thursday (she is so great, by the way) and bought the testing kit. I’m just letting you know that I mailed the samples yesterday and can hardly wait to find out the results!”

Have a blessed day


She Takes Time

Hi Lyn,

I want to thank you again for helping me get in to see Angela this week to discuss my test results. I always feel so much better after I meet with Angela. She takes time to truly explain my results and the plan for action. You have a tremendous team and I am so happy to have such a great resource with you and your staff at Happy Hormone Cottage. Thank you!!!!


What a Difference

It’s been three months since I started this part of my journey. I cannot even believe what a difference three months have made! I am so thankful for these wonderful people here that have helped me to feel better than I have in years. I love their natural, holistic approach to treating the whole person. It’s like things in my body have been turned back to active and functioning after years of imbalance. Hormone imbalances and dysfunctions are no joke! Thank you Lyn Hogrefe for paving the way for women like me to be able to live fuller, happier lives with our body systems working as they should!


I Have Lost 60 Pounds

Good morning, Lyn!

After reading your latest e-mail, I knew I had to reply to you! You are so right on – women have to do the research and start standing up for themselves in their doctors’ offices! How do we encourage these women to let them know they are right, the research is right, and their doctors are just wrong? I did my research before I found out about the Cottage. I remember reading Feeling Fat, Fuzzy, or Frazzled? by Dr. Shames and wondering how I could ever find a place around Xenia that did that type of diagnosis. Close to a year after reading that book, I came across the article in the DDN about the opening of the Cottage, and I felt so relieved! I made my appointment, then took the saliva test. Fortunately for me, I was searching for a new gynecologist at about the same time.I went to one of the doctors that was recommended to me by one of the women from the cottage. I made two appointments: one for my regularcheck-up and tests and one for bio-identical conference. He sent my prescription for progesterone to The Medicine Shoppe, I picked up my first prescription at the Cottage where you and (I think) Sandra went over everything! I have lost 60 pounds since November of 2009. Mind you, it didn’t drop off. I have worked very hard to get it off (and keep it from coming back!), but I have the energy to exercise. Lyn, I’ve told you my story time and again, how I had no energy, couldn’t sleep, had so many pains in my joints that I was convinced I was looking at using a cane to walk around for the rest of my life. No more! I feel so strong and so healthy! I still have lots of weight to lose, but I have energy, motivation, and the clearness of mind to look forward and enjoy life. Even better, I look forward to challenging myself and being a participant, not someone who sits on the sidelines! I did not get a “halt!” message from my doctor. But as a daughter of a woman who died of an initially undetected cancer, I am not afraid to question a doctor’s prescription and diagnosis. I know my body, I do my research. If a doctor ever tried to prescribe a “one size fits all” synthetic hormone for me, he would get such an earful. And, depending on the outcome of that discussion, he would probably lose me as a patient. How do we empower these women, Lyn? This Life we get, it’s only one to a customer… no do-overs. And, it ain’t over until that last breath is drawn. I shudder when I see these women backing down to their mis-informed doctors (and I sincerely hope they are only mis-informed; the alternative angers me so much). I know this works! Within days of taking the progesterone, I was sleeping through the night, staying focused during the day. I never hit that wall that you and Sandra warned me about; perhaps my levels were so low that even the wall felt better than pre-bioidentical hormone days. (I won’t even start about the idea of a doctor blatantly prescribing an anti-depressant… quite frankly, that pisses me off!) My 52nd birthday was yesterday. I feel the strongest I’ve felt since my early twenties. Lyn, I won’t eat synthetic food (have started to be very picky about what I put in my mouth – fresh, out of the box food), why would I use synthetic hormones, especially since the bio-identical hormones are safer, better, and compounded just for me. Yes, I am important! Yes, I deserve this! Every woman is important! Every woman deserves this! And bio-identicals are not expensive, so there is no excuse there. Women need to realize that. Women need to understand they are not second class citizens. Women need to become partners in their health care! I know I’m “preaching to the choir”, Lyn. But I had to answer you today… I just did! On a side note: I apologize for not keeping in touch. I had a bad winter: the health of my 96-year-old grandfather started declining in January, and I lost him in March. Yes, I said 96! And until the very end, he was in really good health and of a very sharp and sound mind. I aspire to live like he did. But, it was a very emotionally draining time for me and the family. I did get through it. Before my new regime, I don’t know if I would have. But I did. Also, I still have not sold my novel. But I started a second one. Even if I don’t sell any novels, I am fulfilling a goal of being a writer. I am doing. I am being. Thank you for helping me rediscover my life!

Take care


You Guided Me

Hi Lyn,

Hope your doing well. I just wanted to let you know that my doctor called today with the results of my latest dexa scan. The doctor told me that she continues to see improvement in the strength of my bones.

As you know I started on BHRT around five years ago. I had my first dexa scan one and a half years after starting BHRT. My first scan showed some improvement in the strength of my bones. I’m so excited about my latest scan. I continue to show improvement. My doctor told me to continue with everything I’m doing.

I remember my first visit with you at the cottage. I talked to you about my mother suffering with osteoporosis and her passing from complications due to her osteoporosis. You encouraged me to get tested. You and Jeff worked with me to get the correct dosage for me. You encouraged me to be patient. I’m so glad I stuck with it and stuck with both you and Jeff.

Getting healthy doesn’t happen over night. It took a determined effort from me to improve my eating habits, sleep, exercise and reduce my anxiety (still working on that one) and to get the correct and most natural form of hormone replacement. The most important part of this journey was having both you and Jeff there to guide me. Both of you have never let me down. I’m going to keep pushing on. I’m so thankful that I took the time to make that first appointment.

God bless and thank you


Great First Visit

Peggy was pleasant, understanding, and filled with valuable and knowledgeable information on the program. Great first visit with her. Looking forward to continuing on with program as i’m brand new. Thanks for your help. God Bless!


I Am So Happy

I am so happy I stumbled across your web site yesterday. I will say you have the most welcoming and informative web site out there when it comes to Women’s Health.


I Feel Supple Again

It’s amazing. I could write a book, and plan to pull together my journal and get some questions together in the next couple of days, but to respond quickly, I’m so glad I found you. I knew I was struggling – had been for years – but really didn’t understand how bad things had gotten until I started to feel better. The most obvious change for me is the physical – I no longer hurt in my back and bones. I’m not so stiff that I stretch to make movement bearable, but stretch because I can and it feels good and I feel supple again. And I sleep ALL NIGHT! And if I do wake up, I fall back asleep easily … I don’t spend an hour trying desperately to get comfortable, only to just give up on sleep and get up at 3 AM. Emotionally / mentally I’m hopeful again. I feel like the clouds have thinned and the sun is shining on my again. I cried on my drive home from my appointment with Lyn when I got my Rx and she explained them to me. I was full of joy and hope. I kept saying, over and over, “I’m going to get better. I’m really going to get better.” Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


You are Dedicated to Helping People


Thank you so much for taking the time to reassure me. I hope that you and Jeff realize how important you are to the women who are making the decision to use BHRT.

I’m very sincere when I say this. Our world is so fast paced and money seems to be one of the main reasons that motivates people. Some people use the money that they make to further their own agenda. You and Jeff are an example of two people that have started a business and are dedicated to helping people get healthy. I know in my heart that the pleasure you get is from knowing that you are helping people. You are saving lives. There are not many people that have the values that you have.

Its strange sometimes how peoples paths end up crossing. I think to myself quite often, where would I be if I had not found out about the hormone cottage. It’s a blessing!

Custom compounds for cancer treatment sounds like an approach to treating cancer that could save thousands of lives. I will remember to say some prayers for you. I hope that you will be able to pursue this goal.

Jeff and Lyn, thank you and please know how much your clients appreciate you


One major change

We have been fighting illness in our home also. One major change I noticed is that even though I got an intense flu with fever while caring for my son this week, my response is strong and I am able to handle the stressors on my body. I am tired and napping, as one would expect from fighting a virus, but it is Nothing compared to the slothful struggle and repetitive crashing and biting words/mood swings and anger that I had before treatment. With just vitamins and OTC I am overcoming this intense flu, which before would have had me questioning if I should go to the hospital.

I Have Not Felt Stressed!

Hi Lyn, I hope things are going well for you.

I am feeling better. Usually this is a rough time of year for me since I work in a school system. Usually I feel panicked and overwhelmed with the amount of work I have in August and early September. Usually I get so run down I end up physically ill from stress and have to take serveral days off work. I am amazed at how well I have done so far this year. It’s the end of August and I have not felt stressed !!! I have not felt this emotionally balanced at the start of a school year in a long time !!! Last year this time I was sleeping 12+ hours each day and still having major problems getting up in the morning. I was always late to work. I was always exhausted. Big improvement — when the alarm rings now I can get up after tapping the snooze button only once. Some mornings I even wake up 5-10 minutes before the alarm rings. I feel rested after a night’s sleep. About once a week I seem to need a catch up day where I need to take a two or three hour nap, but again, that’s a huge improvement from last August. I feel confident that with continued hormone/vitamin therapy my symptoms will continue to improve. Thank you for all you and the Medicine Shoppe team do to improve others’ quality of life. The services and support you provide have truely been a blessing and have changed my days from “making it through the day” to looking forward to the days activities with a smile on my face. Enjoy the sunshine this weekend! (I’m going to a pool party/picnic this afternoon!)


I Was Ready to End It

Hi Lyn!

I am a 27 year old woman who was so depressed and struggled with such anxiety that I was ready to end it. I am a teacher of a self-contained 4th grade classroom in Northern Kentucky, and I know you understand how stressful teaching can be. So, going through each day was like climbing a mountain over and over again. I was put on an antidepressant for a year, which did nothing but make me dependent. I truly didn’t know what I was going to do. Then, while off school on a Monday, I saw a commercial for the Cottage and picked up the phone right away. It is proving to be the best thing I have ever done for myself. I had a follow-up with one of the doctors you recommend on your website earlier this month. I am already starting to see improvement after taking the treatment for 1 month! Because of this, my husband and I are finally able to start talking about trying for a family, which is something we have been waiting a long to for. I had lost hope that I would feel better. I am continuing to struggle some, but nothing like the way I did before. I know it will take some time and I am now able to be patient and hopeful for a full recovery. I spoke with Dorris just before I started treatment and she was so kind and helpful with understanding all of the different treatments that had been perscribed! Thank you, thank you, thank you for what you are doing for women! I truly believe this has saved my life!


How Good You Can Feel

Behind my husband, son, and dad, Jeff is the best dude in the world because I am actually consistently getting a full nights sleep for the first time in 15 YEARS! I didn’t know how good you can feel when you actually SLEEP at night!


Feeling a Difference

Hello Lyn,

This is Haley, and I just want to say thank you so much!! Yesterday was two weeks and I am definitely feeling a difference. Before I began the progesterone cream, I had severe anxiety, wasn’t sleeping well, and I was very depressed and irritable. Being only 24 years old, I wondered, ‘Is this really what I have to look forward to the rest of my life?’. But I don’t feel as anxious when I go to bed at night, and my sleep is already improving! I find that with enough sleep, I feel much better and I have been in a much better mood for it. I knew there had to be something that could help me, and I believe this is it! Thanks again Lyn and I hope it only gets better from here!


Happy Healthier Life

I’ve been with the happy hormone Cottage for nine years now, it’s the best thing I could have ever done for myself, I want to thank Lyn and Jeff for making my body and mind a happy healthier life💕 I also love the staff as they always welcome me like extended family. I Believe in the bioidenticals so much I will always make the travels no matter what part of the country I live in. From California much love. ❤️


Sleeping Better


Hello. I wanted to respond to your email about how I am doing and I appreciate the follow up. I started my treatment with Happy Hormone in December. My husband said he noticed a difference with how I handled holiday stress this year. I soon started sleeping better and sleep well on a pretty consistent basis. I am sure the sleep is a factor, as my energy level is better. As a result, I have been exercising regularly, which supports the whole cycle. I would also say I don’t fly “off the handle” as easily. I am an event planner and last year I felt completely wiped out the day (or days) after a big event. I can still feel it, but it is not as bad as last year. So, I am very happy with my choice of bio-identical hormone replacement and hope I can report other positives as the year goes on. Take care.


It’s Been Wonderful

Hi, Lyn! I just wanted to let you know how great I’m feeling already. I swear I popped out of bed SO much easier this morning after I started the progesterone! It’s been WONDERFUL this week being able to wake up and my brain works instantly! Not to mention my son had had a couple of rough nights this week because of his tonsil surgery and I still haven’t taken ONE nap this week! Normally I am so exhausted I just sit around all day and then lay down with the boys at nap time. I’ve gotten so much done this week! Along with my energy, my head just feels so much clearer and I feel like my eyes are open wider. I can’t believe it! Oh….and I’m pooping normally and regularly! Haha! That alone makes me feel alot better! I’m just so excited I can’t stand it!!! Thank you so much, Lyn!!!!


Thank You For Saving My Life

Hi Lyn,

I want to thank you for saving my life. I thought I would have to live my life feeling tired and depressed. I’ve been on hormone therapy for 6 months and I feel 100% better! My boyfriend say’s I’m a changed woman. I have changed so much he proposed to me 3 weeks ago. I now have my health,fiance,the ring and will be planning a wedding next year!!! Lots of Love


I Feel Younger

After going through menopause, I felt like someone had just wrung me out; that is, I had no energy, I hurt with a myriad of aches and pains, and I either couldn’t get to sleep or I woke up in the middle of the night and had problems getting back to sleep. I went to my general practitioner, and he suggested I start taking Aleve in the mornings. I did, and it helped the pains some… but not much. One day while reading the Dayton Daily News online, I found an article about the opening of the Happy Hormone Cottage. I was very interested, because I had previously read about natural hormones but wasn’t sure where to get help in this area. One of my “side jobs” is being the director of fund raising and promotion for the Our Mims Retirement Haven, a retired Thoroughbred broodmare rescue based in Kentucky. I knew, no matter what, I would not/could not ever take Premarin. The use of pregnant mare urine in the manufacturing of Premarin results in the birth of many foals that either must be taken care of or slaughtered. I knew I could never be part of that process. I filled out the online survey then called to make an appointment at the Cottage. I went through the saliva test and sent it in. While waiting for the results, I made an appointment with Dr. Pawloski, a gynecologist on the recommendation list on the Cottage’s web site. It had been quite a while (cough — years — cough) since I had had a regular gynecology visit, and I was eager to work with a doctor familiar with Bioidentical Hormones. After a consult between the doctor and the specialists at the Piqua Medicine Shoppe, I was put on a progesterone regiment, very simple, supplemented with Adrenal Support. Within days, I felt better. Not much longer after that, I was sleeping through the night. Although I still have little aches and pains from time to time (I am almost 51 years of age), I feel younger and able to do things I have not felt capable of for quite some time. For example: I have always had a problem with my weight. With the added aches and pains, no energy, and sleepless nights, I had all but given up on the idea of taking up even the simplest exercise routine. Now, I regularly exercise with the help of some DVDs (I especially love the Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds series). I am able to walk up to four miles in one routine. (I’m working on getting through the five mile workout.) I am losing weight, but I am more impressed with my stamina and alertness. I no longer drag myself through the day then collapse on the couch when I get home. I feel so good now, and I owe it to Lyn and those at the Happy Hormone Cottage, the Piqua Medicine Shoppe, and Dr. Pawloski. I am so grateful that these people have studied about Bioidentical Hormones and are promoting it. I shudder to think where I would be if I hadn’t read that article in the DDN a few months ago. Thank you so much!


Feeling 90% Better


What a nice email and thank you for the follow up. I am feeling 90% better! I can sleep much much better and hot flashes are almost nothing. i have been getting headaches but overall feel so much better. I love the HHC and all that you are doing. The educational emails are extremely helpful. so thankful that i found you all!


Thrilled With Results

Hello, I am currently being treated at the Happy Hormone Cottage and am thrilled with my results! I truly have been given my life back…..and I also have a Happy Husband!!

I Am So Thankful I Made that First Phone Call

Hi Lyn,

I’m doing well and noticing improvement. One of the main things I’ve noticed is my increased energy. Fatigue is not a problem like it was before. Also, the headaches I was having around my cycle have pretty much gone away. I’ve had compliments from family and friends that I seem more energetic and even my eyes seem brighter. I’m looking forward to continuing and seeing more improvements. The therapy has been easy for me to follow. I’m so glad that I made that first phone call. Thank you for all your help!


I Will Look So Hot

Hi Lynn,

The day after I met with you & Jeff I joined Premier Fitness. I have been working out religiously 3-4 times a week after working a 10 hour day. I come in from work, change clothes & go back out the door. Working out is something I really enjoy & have been putting off doing for quite some time, mainly because my daughter was younger. I just started doing Zoomba last week & love it!!! The weight is finally starting to come off & my clothes are fitting better. I will look so HOT by next spring. Mentally I am doing better both at home & at work. I am doing my work quicker & more efficiently. I now interact more & make suggestions at our staff meetings. My husband & I are communicating better & not miscommunicating over silliness. My libido is slowly getting better. Keep up the good work & THANKS SO MUCH FOR CARING.



I cannot thank you enough for all of your support and help. What a wonderful thing you’re doing helping people have a higher quality of life. Take care and can’t wait to get my bioidentical hormone therapy.

Lyn is a Darling

Lyn is a darling. She genuinely cares about other people as witnessed by her efforts at The Happy Hormone Cottage and her time as a teacher. Lyn walks the talk and shows empathy that makes everyone around her feel special. She is enthusiastic about hormone imbalance solutions because she knows what an imbalance did to her and she knows the positive impact of treatment in her own life. If you even think you might have a hormone imbalance issue, it’s well worth the time just to talk to her.


Natural Alternative

Dear Lyn,

I read the article in the Springfield News and Sun today about menopause. Great article and a good picture. I think that article will do a lot for women. I think there are so many women looking for a natural alternative. I have been so happy since I made the choice to start my bio-identicla hormone replacement therapy. The bio-identical hormones make me feel like the old me, not like some drugged up zombie. I never felt good on the pharmaceutical prescriptions. I had break through bleeding continuously and my hair turned to straw. I also started to gain weight for the first time in my life. I guess I’m kind of repeating myself but I feel like it is worth repeating.

thanks for all you do,


I Feel Your Heart and Soul

Hi Lyn,
I got your book! My doctor also tried to put me on an antidepressant for my hormone imbalance issues. I took it one night and realized it was not for me. When I went back and told him I was not going to take it, he was mad at me. I then tried the pellets. Worst thing I ever did! You are so passionate in your book. Thank you for educating us. As I am reading this book, I feel your heart and soul in it.


The Fog Has Lifted

Angela NP started me on the iodoral for my hypothyroidism and WOW what a difference it has made. Like a fog lifted and my energy is back! THANKS


I Couldn’t Remember Anything


Feel Very Optimistic

Dear Lyn,

Just want to thank you for helping us get our journey to hormone balance started. We met with Lacy and Kelly yesterday and feel very optimistic. I appreciate the quick responses and how much passion you all have for helping women with their health. I had contacted one other organization in Cincinnati the same day I contacted you and still have not heard from them at all. I feel working with you is the direction to go. Thank you again for everything. You have a wonderful staff!!


My Life Has Changed Dramatically

My life has changed drastically since meeting with Jeff and Lyn from the Happy Hormone Cottage. For over 20 years since my total hysterectomy, I have been searching for help by reading, seeing traditional and alternative doctors, massage therapists, chiropractors, psychologists, sleep specialists, even hypnotherapists. I had just about given up when my husband saw the ad for the Cottage. He went by and picked up all the materials and talked with Lyn and Judy. From my very first meeting with them, I knew I had found help. They didn’t promise miracles but said that if I followed the program, I would feel better by Christmas. They were true to their word. I have not felt this good for two decades. Since it is the holiday season, let me express my appreciation this way. I now feel I can rejoice!!!!!! Rejuvenated Energized Joyous Organized Interested Creative Excited


Someone Truly Understands

You seem to have an experienced staff not only professionally but personally. I found this to be very comforting to have someone truly understand my statements/complains/concerns! I am excited to see where my journey goes with this new chapter. Thank you



People were friendly and knowledgeable.


All the Things I KNEW were Wrong

I got my test results in the mail today. I’ve never knew I’d be so happy to see how messed up I am! Seriously, though, all the things I KNEW were wrong and every doctor made me feel like I’m crazy…there they are. I am looking SO forward to meeting with Lyn again and getting started! I showed my mom all the paperwork and she said she thinks these things have been going on with me since I was 15. It really frustrates me that it has taken 17 years for someone to see it and that the test was so easy, but I’m so glad that it finally happened! It probably sounds really silly that I’m so excited about this, but I’ve just felt so bad for so long and to have some sort of confirmation makes me

feel better already.


Such a Delicate Balance


Thank you for sending Jeff’s comments. You are both so calm and confident when you respond to someone who basicly doen’t know what he is talking about. I guess that old saying, you can get more bees with honey, rings true when handling people.

I have always been the type of person that doesn’t follow the crowd. When I first came to the cottage and met you and some of your staff, I really listened to what you were saying. You can tell by watching a persons face and the way they hold their body when they talk to you, if they are telling the truth. You and your staff were so passionate about what you were saying. I could feel the concern that you had for me. You really cared and still do. Jeff and you are remarkable. There are no high pressure tactics when a client talks to you, just the honest truth about what women go through when they go through the change of life. Our health is really such a delicate balance of trying to understand what is going on inside of us and responding to those needs. I thank my lucky stars that I was fortunate enough to find out about the HHC.

I’m going to copy your article from the news paper and pass it on to a few people. I’m also going to copy the article from Jeff. Just in case my doctor may have not read the news paper article, I will also bring a copy of both to her.

Take care and God bless both of you.


I Became Pregnant

Good afternoon,

My name is Jana Antil and I am a patient of the Happy Hormone Cottage in Kettering, OH. I am 26 years old and began the testing and prescriptions last fall in hopes of gaining more energy, regulating my cycles, and eventually getting pregnant. I came with irregular cycles ranging from 40-60 days apart, and I had never had a a positive while taking ovulation indicator tests in my life. I had been trying for pregnancy for awhile and Clomid was the next option.

In just two full months of following the HHC prescription, I became pregnant with my first baby who is due this September.

I am a blogger and I decided to share my testimony on the blog after I had many emails, Facebook messages and blog comments from women in their 20’s who were also struggling with infertility and wanted to know more about my story and what I did to become pregnant. Two of them are even local and I directed them to HHC and they made their consultation appointments!

I wanted to share with you the blog post I wrote that shines HHC in a new light, outside of the expected post-menopausal age and directly into the hearts and minds of 20 somethings wanting to know more about natural options of fertility before taking the route of IUI’s, IVF, etc.

If you want to read more about my story, here is the link to my blog post:


Thank you so much and have a great day!

Jana Antil

I Couldn’t Be More Pleased

The Bio Identicals are AMAZING!!! I am slowly starting to level out as far as emotions, hot flashes, night sweats etc. I still get the night sweats (not as often) and some hot flashes, but those are only a few times a week. Your staff at the cottage and the pharmacist at The Medicine Shoppe know what they are doing. I couldn’t be more pleased with my progress. I was told that I need to make a 3 month appointment with The Medicine Shoppe pharmacist to ‘tweek’ my dose? I will be certain to do that within the next month or so.


Love, love, love Your Company

I love love love your company. I am experiencing relief from migraines that has not occurred since 1995. Complete life adjustment.

From Survey

No Hot Flashes!

“Good morning! Today is 3 weeks that I’ve been on my new BHRT & supplements (saw palmetto, adrenal support 2 and Methyl EMF) and I just had to let you know what a difference it has made in just a short time. I haven’t had a single hot flash this week. I was averaging about one every hour before, and the night sweats have disappeared, as well. I just feel so much better overall. My head is clear, no more foggy brain, body aches have decreased drastically, sleep has been amazing and my energy level throughout the day just makes me smile. My overall attitude has changed and I feel more calm and able to handle all of life‘s little bumps without stressing and worrying like I used to. Even my husband has noticed these changes in me. I am so thankful to have heard about the Happy Hormone Cottage from a friend and tell everyone I can about how amazing I feel. Thank you so much! My gratitude is off the charts!”


My Hair Loss is Almost Non-existent

Hi Lyn,

Great news. I lost two pounds without even trying for the first time in over a year and my hair loss is almost non-existent. Isn’t that great? Your husband was wonderful with the adrenal & thyroid advice. I still have to take the test next month with Dr. Guy’s office for the thyroid levels; especially the T-3 which Jeff thinks is the culprit. The nutrition advice has been a godsend. The other good news is I received a 3.0 GPA for the first time at WSU and carrying a full load too…because of my health, my grades were lacking for the requirements. However, now that I see that there is hope, I am beginning to believe again, it brings tears to my eyes! I told the story of how I came to this point to a group of colleagues the other day because they were asking me questions, they were all so shocked. Some of the women were getting close to the 35-40 ranges, and inquiring about how I found treatment. I shared my experiences and gave them the address to your web site for info. Interesting how I can see it in other women now and I feel for them. I’ll keep passing the word & I know you’ll be there and as dedicated as always! I do look forward to meeting you. Thanks so much again, and I’ll keep you posted!


Wonderful Job

Lyn –

I can’t believe it has already been 3 years. Where did the time go?
I’m so happy for you. Congratulations Lyn! You’ve done a wonderful job and you have made such a remarkable difference in so many women’s lives. You have certainly enriched my life on many levels.

God bless you!


I Felt So Alone

“I really enjoyed meeting with Lacy. She is so real, personable and forthcoming about her own journey. I have felt so alone in this and she reassured me that there are many women just like me. Thank you!”

Happy Hormone Cottage Customer

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