Sleep on Hormone Production

The Effects of Sleep on Hormone Production and Regulation


You’ve undoubtedly heard it numerous times, ‘Good sleep is essential for good health.’ 

You may know that getting seven to nine hours of sleep every night improves memory and cognitive function, promotes healing, strengthens your immune system, and helps weight management, among other benefits. Did you also know about the effects of sleep on hormone balance?

Happy Hormone Cottage can help you achieve optimal health through the use of bio-identical hormones. We do this by helping you address hormonal imbalances brought on by insufficient sleep or other circumstances. 

In this article, we discuss the correlation between hormone imbalance and sleep.

What are Hormones?

Hormones are chemicals that are produced by the endocrine glands.  They are released into the bloodstream and travel to different body parts, influencing the function of various organs.

Hormones regulate your:

  • Metabolism and appetite
  • Growth
  • Body temperature
  • Sexual function, drive, and reproduction
  • Heart rate
  • Blood pressure
  • Sleep-wake cycles

What Hormones Does Sleep Regulate?

Several hormones are regulated by sleep. These are:

  • Cortisol – This is a stress hormone that is released in response to physical or psychological stress. 
  • Estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone – Estrogen is central in regulating the menstrual cycle. Progesterone is also produced by the ovaries and helps prepare the uterus for pregnancy. Testosterone hormone levels are important for normal male sexual development and libido in men and women.
  • Hunger hormones –  Insulin, leptin, ghrelin, and other hunger hormones signal to the brain when the body requires energy, and help to control how much food is consumed in response to this need.
  • Melatonin – The production of melatonin peaks at night, which may help explain why we tend to feel sleepy in the evening. That’s because this hormone helps regulate the body’s sleep-wake cycle (also known as the circadian rhythm). 
  • Thyroid hormones – These hormones are essential in regulating metabolism and energy production in the body.
  • Growth hormones – These hormones promote healing, cell regeneration, and growth. They play an important role in childhood development. 

The Impact of Poor Sleep on Hormone Levels

Poor sleep can affect hormone levels, as sleep quality and quantity are important for proper hormonal function.

Lack of sleep can lead to increased levels of stress hormones like cortisol, which can disrupt other hormones and lead to weight gain, moodiness, and impaired immune function. 

Deprivation can lead to a decrease in the production of growth hormones and poor sleep, making it harder for you to heal wounds and more likely for you to put on belly fat.

Furthermore, insufficient shut-eye has been linked to an increase in the hunger hormone ghrelin and a decrease in leptin, which can lead to cravings and overeating. Additionally, poor sleep can disrupt normal estrogen and progesterone production, leading to fluctuations and disruptions in fertility. It can lower testosterone levels, leading to a low sex drive.

The link between hormone imbalance and sleep is undeniable. Getting a good night’s sleep regularly is important to prevent these negative effects.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Available In Mason and Centerville, Ohio

Has poor sleep thrown your hormones out of balance? Do you want to maximize the positive effects of sleep on hormone production and regulation? 

The bioidentical hormone replacement therapy at Happy Hormone Cottage may be just what you need.

We know you may have questions about the treatment. We stand ready to answer. Call our office to speak with a team member, or schedule a consultation online today!

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