Women's Health initiatives

Women’s Health Initiatives Foundation: Interview With Founder Lyn Hogrefe 



– First Things First – Tell Us A Little About Yourself, Along With Your Team

I’m the founder and executive director of the Happy Hormone Cottage (2009) and president of my Women’s Health Initiatives Foundation (2015). Kelly Brown is the executive director of my foundation. Sean Harmon has been our legal advisor since our beginning in 2015 and helped us begin our foundation, 501C3, the right way by filing with the IRS, crossing all of our t’s, and dotting our I’s. I have an amazing Board of Advisors:

  • Cat Toth
  • Alex Toth
  • Nikki Smith
  • Lisa Hardwick
  • Noah Hardwick
  • Dr. Kathy Nelson-Murphy
  • Jacky Groenewegen

Women's Health initiatives

– Connecting HHC, IHC, and WHIF

My Happy Hormone Cottage and our “IHC & Pharmacy” are under the umbrella of JAH Pharmacies, Inc. JAH Pharmacies, Inc. pays all expenses of our foundation, including Kelly’s salary, so that all the money we raise can be used for our initiatives. I’m most proud of this fact.


– What Motivated You To Start The Women’s Health Initiatives Foundation?

I met Dr. Mark Rosenberg at a conference and heard his story of how his mother had come into his ER with full-blown cancer a dozen years earlier and was given 2 months to live. He began his research that night and realized that cancer treatment after 40 years of research and billions of dollars, had only increased the life span of a cancer patient by about 2 weeks. So he became obsessed with saving his mother’s life while providing the highest quality of life for her. 

She lived another 11 months. This began his obsession as he calls it, with developing an integrative approach to cancer treatment and he began his foundation, New Hope for Cancer. I recognized Dr. Rosenberg needed help so I began my foundation to raise money for his New Hope for Cancer, where our money goes directly to patient care and integrative cancer treatment. Dr. Rosenberg treats late-stage cancer patients who have been told to go home and get their affairs in order. His goal is to get cancer to become a manageable, chronic disease, much like diabetes, instead of a death sentence.


Women's Health initiatives

– What Does The WHIF Do & Who Is It Aimed At Helping?

Our mission statement:  “Whif is on a mission to empower and guide women to the truth about natural options which prevent, treat, and defeat cancer and other diseases.”

I just like to keep it simple and say, “We raise money to save lives (of cancer patients who have been told to go home and get their affairs in order.) And all the money we raise goes either directly to Dr. Rosenberg and New Hope for Cancer, or to our grant program to help people in our community. 


– Can You Elaborate on Your Five-Prong Grant Program?

WHIF started our grant program a couple of years ago to help people in our community who have a need for these 5 protocols to help prevent cancer:

  • Thermography 
  • DNA estrogen metabolite testing (identifies risk and prevention of breast cancer)
  • Kangen water – antioxidant and alkaline water
  • Holistic Cancer Coaching with Certified Holistic Cancer Coach, Kelly Brown 
  • A consultation with Dr. Rosenberg


Women's Health initiatives

– The Women’s Health Initiatives Foundation Hosts an Annual Event, Can You Tell us More About That?

We typically host 2-3 fundraisers a year. Our flagship annual fundraiser, which we have held for the past six years, is our annual “WHIF with a Purpose Charity Golf Outing,” held the second Friday morning of September. 

We also typically host a summertime dinner to raise money and, in the past, we have held annual winter Holistic Health Fairs. Our foundation board will be meeting soon to plan our fundraising for 2022. 


– How Much Has The Foundation Raised & Where Do the Donations Go?

To date, we have sent Dr. Rosenberg and New Hope for Cancer $128,000 and we have subsidized our grant program $15,000. See above for more details on where this money goes. 


– The Foundation Offers Grants for Free DNA Life Estrogen Metabolite Kits – What is the Significance of These Test Kits?

Our DNA Life estrogen metabolite kit is a genetic test (a saliva swab) that identifies one’s risk of developing breast cancer and the best strategies for preventing it from developing. 


– How Can People Get Involved, Donate, or Participate?

To participate, people can attend our events, become a sponsor, donate time and money. To donate anytime, you can go to https://womenshealthinitiatives.org/donate/


Learn More About HHC, IHC, and the Women’s Health Initiatives Foundation

To learn more about Lyn and Jeff Hogrefe, Kelly Brown and the WHIF board of advisors, staff biographies, and services offered at HHC, IHC, and WHIF – follow the respective links to their sites for more information. Together, these three organizations are making a difference in the lives of many, and have hope to see charitable contributions continue to rise into the future. 

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